Xiaomi M2s Snapdragon 600 RAM 2GB -Chinese smartphone maker, Xiaomi, reportedly preparing a new handset that uses Snapdragon processor 600. From the leaked specs that had appeared in the trading sites, shows the detail of Xiaomi smartphones called M2S it.
In cooperation with the operator China Telecom, Xiaom M2x reportedly slid next week. Accidentally leaks that appear also write for smartphone prices set high enough specification not cheap, which amounted to 2199 yuan or about USD 3.4 million.
M2S Xiaomi specifications are:
4.3-inch 720p screen
Android 4.1 (MIUI v5)
600 1.7 GHz Snapdragon Processor
2GB of RAM
8MP rear camera
battery 2.000mAh
Xiaomi M2S phone from china with Snapdragon 600 and 2GB RAM price will reportedly be released around 2199 yuan or $ 350 or USD 3.4 Million. The price was quite expensive for smart phones from Chinese manufacturers.