Photo WebOS Smartphones Products Fail?

Product webOS smartphones Never Fails release. The image above is not one of the collections of the Samsung Galaxy. Although it looks like the design, but the handset above is webOS smartphone that was never released. HP away after a trip to Palm, a prototype of which has been previously rumored handset codenamed WindsorNot managed to fall into the hands webOS Nation.

The smartphone is said to have the same internal Pre 3, with a 4-inch touch screen resolution of 800 x 480 pixels, except webOS 3.x versions of the same as the HP TouchPad.

According webOS Nation, this phone was developed by Jon Rubinstein and is expected to be released after the end of the Pre 3, 2011. To get into the market, this WindsorNot need further development because the software used could be considered just a small version of the TouchPad tablet goes on.

There are also reports that the handset will not be ready until 2012. The slow development of this smartphone makes operator AT & T cell phone as the official distributor in the United States lost interest in these devices. AT & T had wanted to advance to the LTE network while WindsorNot not have the fastest mobile network will support it.