Xbox 720 Release "Xbox Infinity''

Xbox 720 Release "Xbox Infinity'' -Xbox 720 will Having Xbox Infinity Official Name'' '-A picture was found by Twitter users and Reddit are giving leaks if the Xbox 720 game console is likely to be released by the official name Xbox Infinity. As can be seen above, the Xbox logos accompanied with infinity logo with tagline Infinite entertainment. Infinite possibilities. Where indicates that the Xbox is not just for gaming.

Different things said by Forbes. The media said that according to reliable sources they mention that the latest Xbox Xbox'll just have a call, such as the Apple iPad did to the latest generation.

Another widely heard rumors that touch is the presence of elements such as those found in the PlayStation 4 controller, and PlayStation Vita. It said touch element that can be clicked is part of the integration with the Microsoft Kinect, so players can collaborate with the Kinect motion sensor touch gestures in this area.

Spread any rumors, Microsoft did not confirm or deny these rumors until the official ceremony May 21. One thing is for sure, this latest Xbox gaming console will have a dependence on an internet connection so that all features can be used.