Education Dental Health For Kids

Education Dental Health For Kids  -And finally, from intra-oral clinical examination, then found appalling conditions related to the teeth and mouth health. Entire dentition caries suffer. And, part of which is experiencing inflammation of the pulp. With conditions that are also being inflamed gums. Oral health status that is certainly very painful for the little guy. Chronic conditions may very well contribute to less than optimal physical growth. How might eat voraciously when all the baby teeth cavities and inflamed. How can get optimal sleep quality when the baby teeth are natural conditions with acute inflammation of the pulp. While the quality of sleep is one of the variables determining the optimization of growth and development of the child.

Healthy family would be ideal. As one of the pillars, dental health is important. In fact, dental and oral health of Indonesian society still needs serious attention from health workers to remember that oral disease is suffered by 90% of Indonesia's population. While the results of the study reported in 2001 showed that the morbidity of oral health in Indonesia needs to be considered because it is the highest disease complained of by 60% of the people, by the position of the teeth and supporting tissue disease dental caries due to neglect of oral hygiene most common.

Meanwhile, the process of formation of dental tissues starts since embryonic phase. That is, since the Mother's womb. Several anomalies were linked by a variety of causes originate in the phase. That is why it is important pay attention to a variety of aspects related during pregnancy as an option anticipation and preventive actions.

After the teeth were up in the beginning phases of calcification (pre-eruption) at 4.5 months of gestation, and slowly erupting in turns since the age of 6 months after birth, the teeth and mouth disease began to be faced. Disease, in which the first phase of the biological processes is not easily determined clinically.

In, details of this process will lead to pathological changes which in turn can be observed objectively. The problem, in general most of us realize pathological condition of the teeth and oral tissues after we feel the sensation of pain in a very slow stage. And if it has been realized, some of us choose to let pathological conditions associated. Bad choices easily scroll cases become chronic due to lack of awareness related. That's generally why some of us so slow to get on stage to ask for help. Naively, many of us who have suffered according to the level of objective pathological conditions in the teeth and mouth tissue, but with a self-confident feeling very healthy.

Role of Family

The family is the smallest unit of a nation. Has a very important role in improving healthcare quality.  clean and healthy behaviors (PHBs) early on in the family can create a healthy family. Healthy family and the villagers will form the village, district, province, and nation healthy. A healthy nation has a high degree of awareness thus increasing the nation's productivity. That's why a healthy family is an investment for the development of a nation's human resources productive.

And, herein lies the central role of the family as the embryo genesis of oral health awareness each of us.

Living a healthy lifestyle in general, balanced, and regularly is a good option that can be recommended. And directly related to the effort to improve the dental health of the family, it is wise to consult and choose a routine inspection, a minimum of once per 6 months to selected family Dentist.