Singapore Airlines Jetstar vs AirAsia

Singapore Airlines vs AirAsia vs Jetstar vs Tiger Airways vs Garuda Indonesia. Airline competition increasingly strenuous walk because in a lot of Asian airlines that compete to get passengers. President of Garuda Indonesia said that if "Sure Defeat Garuda Indonesia Singapore Airlines".

Satar expression as President Director of Garuda Indonesia, should be observed with the wise, do not compare the situation now with Singapore Airlines which is a 5 star airline by Skytrax, was also indeed it is at this time that Singapore Airlines is the best airline in the world, as well as Asian, Cathay Pacific , Qatar Airways and Hainan Airlines, Garuda Indonesia with the present situation.
Singapore Airlines is deservedly called the best airlines in the world today because the airline is very well run and efficient and also using a fleet of highly advanced and modern service was also very good on the passengers not be forgotten that booking online ticketing system they are so great because of the speed and ease as well as excellent accuracy.

Also somewhat amused to read comments comments are so pessimistic about the Garuda Indonesia believes to beat Singapore Airlines. Many have forgotten that pessimistic beliefs could beat Garuda Indonesia Singapore Airlines.
Indonesia is so big, with a population of 265 million, with a similar length to the distance from London (UK) to Ankara (Turkey), with hundreds of towns that are growing bigger and are building infrastructures that include the Airport. Economic growth in the middle class pretty well, and supported the growth of the national economy is quite stable.

Singapore Airlines is so shine because of its international destinations are quite a lot, because it's home fleet purposes only Singapore is Singapore!! Compared to international destinations which Garuda Indonesia is not as much as Singapore Airlines, but the return of Garuda Indonesia fleet not only to Jakarta. Garuda can go to Medan, return to Makassar, home to Surabaya, Denpasar is home to all of the hub is large enough and were all big cities in Indonesia that is growing bigger memetropolis. Growing cities in the movement of the flight was not yet require jumbo jets such as the A380, B777, because it's not as long-haul flights by Singapore Airlines.

Beliefs that are grown and it is growing in the body of Garuda Indonesia is such that it is and it is believed by the President Director of Garuda Indonesia Satar. "The Captain" is building "Hope" is growing optimism that by working even harder to be things that are not impossible that Garuda Indonesia beat Singapore Airlines. Parameters so clear and has been measured with sufficient logic memadahi. Singapore Airlines' long-haul destination city to city in North America and Europe passenger load factors fell significantly due to the global crisis, as well as the more complicated by high fuel prices, so Singapore Airlines suffered sizable losses, while Garuda Indonesia with short-haul flights and medium-sized domestic and regional route in Asia, in fact, can reap the benefits that quite a relief compared to the darkness of her past, messy and disheveled without expectations can be built because it is loaded with Collusion, Corruption and Nepotism and poor work ethic in the body of Garuda Indonesia, which was that "It's the state company will not go bust by the state" to keep at a loss and recapitalized with taxpayer money.

Now the situation is so different from the past Garuda Indonesia. Garuda Indonesia now has become a company that is built with a clear direction and purpose as well as the efficient management and grow quite impressive. Garuda Indonesia is so lucky to have such a great ability to be transformed into a world-class corporation, because of the consciousness and awareness to want to turn out to be good and very good at internal Garuda Indonesia and now "The Garuda" was aiming for 5 star and star Skytrax airline world-class Singapore Airlines