Government of Indonesia Forests Causes Bald

Government of Indonesia Forests Causes Bald -Or conversion rate of deforestation in Indonesia is being highlighted by the world carefully. Imagine, half-Indonesian territory consists of forest (primary and managed) accounted for 18.7 billion tons of carbon emissions and the greenhouse effect, just one level below Brazil in the first place. Thus the data Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO)  terms of time from 1990 to 2010.

Indonesia is at the end of the 1890s admired as the lungs of the Earth as the source of oxygen largest Borneo, are under threat of deforestation and forest conversion of concern. In fact, conversion of forest to plant palm oil production industry that has been suspected as the "main perpetrator" of deforestation in Sumatra, no longer alone. There are several other key factors are not so considered.

A recent study released Mongabay, institute researchers and observers of forest clear that at least 10% of all causes of forest conversion is day-to-day human activity (farming / gardening, building settlements and the sale of land). Greenpeace has been campaigning vigorously fight against deforestation in Sumatra and against coal mining in most of southern Indonesia also agreed that the palm oil industry, paper and wood no longer playing alone in Sumatra and Kalimantan.

FAO noted by 51% or 94.432 million hectares of Indonesia's land is forested. Half of primary forest and as many as 3.549 million hectares of plantation forests. Between 1990 and 2010, Indonesia lost 1.02% forest area per year, which means the total deforestation or conversion of the last 20 years of 20.3%. The Ministry of Forestry until 2012 has been issued a permit over an area of ​​342 709 hectares of forest functions to industry and individuals (The Jakarta Globe, 07/08/2012). Director General of Forest Mapping Joko Mulyono ever said preferred forest conversion permits for the production of target crops and the development of the sugar industry, although he did not deny that the majority of applicants over this function is a palm oil processing industry.

Indonesia is second biggest emitter in the world. (Mongabay com / FAOSTAT)

Well, the government of Indonesia is in the midst of a dilemma supervision of their forests. Moratorium on forest conversion is targeted to the palm oil industries and large-scale herd only valid two years from January 1, 2011. This means, the validity period of the moratorium had expired on January 1, 2013 last. The government is still kekeuh that large-scale industrial enterprises in Sumatra and Kalimantan will pledge their commitment to do the planting and greening program in at least half the industry in terms of land-agreed terms. But it's not all like that. With the moratorium is not extended, forests in Sumatra and Kalimantan will welcome back the industries that already have a strong reason why they waited over two years that "unproductive".

Of the 64 million hectares of Indonesia's forests, about 34 million hectares of which is protected forest, forbidden to be hijacked in any way for any reason. Greenpeace believes that this figure is too far and the government left the land open to changing their use even in moments moratorium applies. Party Kemenhut not much reply and only found a Presidential Instruction (Presidential Instruction) issued regarding this moratorium contain strict punishment for the offenders.

PT SMART, one of the biggest users of forest giants in Indonesia adhere to the moratorium. Director David Dharsono said the words last year that this moratorium is a good opportunity for the government and private sectors to evaluate the use of forests and develop a better protection scheme. Agreed with David, the court asserted that the moratorium on the use and forest conversion was made not to block the vegetable oil companies that had been operating. Expert staff of the Environmental Change Agus Purnomo added, "The government does not prohibit the palm oil industry, it's just recommending these industries to pay attention to secondary forest." Secondary forests referenced in all areas that can be utilized in addition to primary forest, or developed as an alternative to the development of the region industries.

Life expectancy

Indonesia's forests are not only the life expectancy for humans and industry, but also the lives of the diverse fauna and flora. Unfortunately, accounted for 80% of the total land area of ​​peat forest in Tripa National Park, Aceh has been damaged and threatened populations of orang-utan (Guardian, 14/2). Hunting, destruction of inter-human conflicts to be in the top list of threats the survival of Sumatran orang utan. Air dry forest because of the industry, while the felled trees are no longer sufficient to guarantee the availability of minerals next 10 years. Party claims Sumatran Orangutan Conservation Program, the government's moratorium does not guarantee the orang utan to stay alive in the woods, almost useless.

World Conservation Monitoring Centre (WCMC) Indonesia has 3,305 notes (not updated since 2011) species of amphibians, birds, mammals and reptiles. A total of 31.1% of this amount is endemic, which means not found in any other country, and 9.9% are threatened with extinction. Indonesia's tropical region is also home to 29,375 species of vascular plants, comprising 59.6% of endemic flora. All Indonesian wealth of flora and fauna has been protected by conservation organizations world according ratified the consensus that since a few decades ago.

When the people of Indonesia are giddy, heartwarming news is coming from the San Francisco Zoo, USA. On 15 February, SFZoo had welcomed their new members, a Sumatran tiger cubs. Leanne, the name of the cute cub, so one more hope of remaining 400 species of Sumatran tigers in the world. Rare birth was the first since 2008 and to be good news for the lovers of wildlife protected.

Optimism on the sustainability of Sumatran tigers alarming five years because their natural habitat is no longer stable, even alarming. Leanne is currently "taken care of" by a 6-year-old male named Larry. Sumatran tigers are endemic, is the smallest of all six species of tigers in the world.

Expectations of the dependence of animals to the forests in Indonesia is getting smaller. But this is not over. World were carefully panned every movement of forest-based activities in Indonesia, because many people do not want to balance the world's ecosystems are threatened simply because "lung" and "heart" is faulty. The Indonesian government needs to re-evaluate all rules forest use, development and protection of the forest products industry ecosystem. The goal should be specific, accurate and without any gaps.