OS Windows 7 and XP Maintain

OS Windows 7 and XP Maintain Dominance of Microsoft. After the end of the first quarter of this year, the operating system for computers and laptops are still dominated by Microsoft's os. Based Netmarketshare published by research company, Windows 7 still continued to dominate throughout the world and is used as much as 44.73% of users worldwide.

In second place was Windows XP that is quite old and continues to dominate the market with 38.73% although the rate began to fall slowly. Then there's Windows 8 and Mac OS X 10.8 that the number of adoption began to increase with the number of each 3:17% and 2.65%. The increase in the number of adoption of OS X 10.8 OS X 10.7 sacrificing the to 1.81%.

OS Windows 7 and XP Maintain Dominance Microsoft because it is still able to compete. Overall Microsoft's Windows continues to dominate with 91.89% rate to leave OS X and Linux with the adoption of 6.94% and total 1.17% only. We'll see will the Windows 7 OS will still survive.