Psoriasis Vulgaris Treatment and Emedicine

Psoriasis Vulgaris Treatment and Emedicine  -Psoriasis Vulgaris is a chronic and relapsing disease that attacks the skin and nails. Not infrequently also the joints. In this condition, the skin has a more rapid turnover than it should. Normally skin changes occur 28 days to three to four days or even faster, Until now, people who develop this disease is still not known exactly what causes it. However, experts have identified a few things that may trigger this skin condition include medications, hormonal changes, infection, physical trauma, smoking up psychological disorders such as stress.

Psoriasis vulgaris can affect anyone and all ages, but are rarely found below 10 years. Most cases found in the age range 20-35 years. Men and women have the same opportunities for this disease. Some studies say more cases are found in the caucasian race. Although psoriasis vulgaris can be triggered by a particular infection, but the disease is not an infectious disease that can be transmitted to other people. Psoriasis vulgaris is characterized by reddish spots. Biasanyamuncul spotting it in the first part of the scalp, neck, lower back, elbows or knees. These patches can be increased, widened, thickened and covered with silvery white scales on it.

This disease can be accompanied with or without itching. If the nail will appear kecildi holes nail surface. Nails can be thickened or become damaged and brittle. Psoriasis vulgaris may increase the incidence of cardiovascular disease. Especially in young patients with severe psoriasis vulgaris. Another complication in the form of psychological disorders such as decreased self-esteem, social rejection, shame, guilt lonely, disturbed professionalism in work, to the disruption of the sexual life of the patient. The disease is generally difficult to cure, and until now there is no treatment options that can cure the disease completely.

There are many options for treating this disease. Obata granting swallow, topical (ointment), up by irradiation with ultraviolet A and ultraviolet B that has been modified. Patients should avoid direct exposure to excessive sunlight. The important thing is to avoid scratching noted that itchy skin and always follow the rules of treatment. When stopping treatment abruptly can cause the disease worsening or recurrence. Always consult a doctor if experiencing perceived grievances.