Law, K-pop and Korean Mini Skirts

Law, K-pop and Korean Mini Skirts -News portals announce the planned visit by the members of the Board of Commission III, which will target the Netherlands to consult at least three important points about the problem updates the Code of Criminal Law. As known, the Criminal Code itself was first passed in 1918 and last updated in 1958. Yet again until now. Legal experts seem to agree proposals this update, because there is a lot of crime "eccentric" that arise in the middle while the law enforcement community should find a suitable article.

article two cases will be brought to the consultation by the European Parliament: adultery and 'black magic'. The latter is considered funny because public Twitter (of course they are cons) considers that the witchcraft that had been used as a term praxis 'black magic' in Indonesia is superstisius cases, irrational and traditional. Witchcraft is not visible lawsuits and not easy to be identified. If witchcraft is appropriate for the draft Penal Code defined "black magic practices that can lead to someone illness, death, and or impaired physically and mentally", then everything that smells of superstition but do not contain the consequences will not be trapped above the law. In other words, the so-called 'white magic' is considered safe.

The idea: If the practice of 'black magic' is considered a violation, then the 'White Studies' no.

'White Studies' telepathic abilities can be shaped, for example. Or alternative medical practices (some of which blatantly using the same tools used practice of 'black magic') and traditional healers are still perceived as breaking the rules.

Then a scourge of witchcraft because the legal community based on the legend about how modern medicine is not able to fight nails, nuts-and-bolts rusty shard of glass in the egg. Witchcraft was appointed as his legal laws to restrict the movement of the actors 'black magic' as well as prevent people from bad influences remote control which is much more dangerous due to damage and unique rather than robbery, assault or rape. Witchcraft traditions of many regions in Indonesia necessarily be generalized as such practices involving mantras and tools, with the purpose of destroying a person's life. It is a semi-abstract dikonkretkan.

More strangely again, for the sake of witchcraft lawmakers use public funds to pay a visit to the Netherlands. Very rational country and its people basing governance on a real legal law and reason. Dutch legend de Amsterdam do have a Knight or the stories behind the common life of Beatrice. But legal law covering all subjects did not even put a dot of black magic article.

Twitter audience who criticized his team's decision to dispatch the Dutch Parliament mengaggap that the visit would be in vain if it intended to consult the witchcraft that is almost certainly not touched by modern law there. Some argue that if you want to learn 'black magic', superstition or exorcism, mild departure to Romania, a country with a track record of mysticism is more viscous than the Netherlands. Strategic options that are considered less will just squander the money and energy of the people alone.

Mini skirts in Korea

In the book when drafting legal codes Indonesia is busy debating witchcraft, in other parts of Asia a state-paced modern conservative debate also squeezed the offending tradition and personal decisions of its people.

This week parliament with the South Korean government on Soul ratified protection laws are also considered eccentric community: prohibit any adult women (over 17) to wear miniskirts in public spaces. New legislation that would impose sanctions 50 U.S. dollars for each offender, as the president stated emphatically for Park Guen-hye, Thursday (03/21/2013).

Mini skirt? So remember something? Yes. In Indonesia, especially Jakarta, the issue had become a mini skirt headlines a week until he was appointed to the dozens of beautiful women protest in September 2011 because the roundabout menyeletuk that rape cases are rife in the capital started from decisions of women dressed like mini. Cash only public uncomfortable, why officials to want to take care of its people how to dress. Well, the same thing so excuse contra group in Seoul this week.

The South Korean government has its own reasons for his opinion. They claim, visual restriction rules miniskirts in public spaces not devoted to the affairs of the choice of clothing, but the moral or spiritual people, things that are considered to have excessive among youth today.

But, what about K-POP-industrial economic uplift South Korea last five years-without a mini skirt?

If you want the same fate line drawn, witchcraft cases in Indonesia and mini skirts in Korea are equally considered a setback in the implementation of the law. Witchcraft that are considered irrational in a rational being forced as a legal aspect, and that is personal mini skirt forced as public law binding. This proves that there is no difference of developing countries and developed countries if it has been in contact with law enforcement legal unique, eccentric and controversial.